Masques / screen_captures
Digital prints on semi-transparent films, lightboxes, 594 x 841cm or 110x156cm, 2017
In some photo and video works, the form of the eyes itself is more and more present through the pareidolia phenomenon that makes us perceive recognizable forms, often anthropomorphic, in random shapeless patterns. This very common illusion is particularly interesting in how it reveals the automatic anthropocentric understanding of what appears to human eyes ; creating in these works a kind of self-generated loop of peeps that goes back and forth between the viewer and the illusion. So that he may be getting involved in the mirages of his own gaze that addresses him directly as a strange presence that is looking at us as much as we are looking at it. In the light billboards installation Masques /screen_capture, the use of pareidolia spreads to a wider image register, directly extracted from the web and appearing on the lit-up surfaces in the original phone-screen capture format, evoking this phenomenon through its daily occurrence and its active role in the realm of images.

Répondant à une invitation à intervenir dans l’espace public, ce projet a d’abord été installé dans le bois adjacent au nouveau quartier d’habitation de la Chapelle (Lancy, Suisse). Chaque panneau lumineux de cette série en cours présentait deux images distinctes en recto-verso. Composé à la fois de photographies personnelles et de captures d’écran provenant de différentes sources, l’ensemble des images se répond selon les jeux d’illusion de la paréidolie (perception spontanée de visages dans des formes variées). Les panneaux partageant les dimensions et le rétro-éclairage propre aux interfaces du téléphone, la série nous renvoie aussi à ce miroir tendu au quotidien où le monde prend la forme qu’on y projette.