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Video, stereo audio 3’ loop, 2020

Following the video Lacrimosa, the fragment of sculpture filmed in Vanitas is that of St. Teresa of Avila represented by Bernini in a state of ambivalent ecstasy. Digitally inlaid, a water vapor gradually soaks the surface of the museum showcase.

Marion Tampon-Lajarriette donne suite au projet vidéo Lacrimosa. Le fragment de sculpture filmé ici est celui de Sainte Thérèse d’Avila représentée par le Bernin dans un état d’extase. Incrustée numériquement, une vapeur d’eau imbibe graduellement la surface de la vitrine d’exposition.

«Vanitas vanitantium...omnia vanitas.»  
« Vanity of vanities » 
« Emptiness of emptinesses »

In discussing the meaning of this biblical text, one literary critic notes the « metaphorical kernel » of the Hebrew word « hebel ». This word, translated in the Vulgate as vanitas, literally denotes vapor, breath, mist or fog, and by extension it comes to signify something that quickly passes away, something transient and lacking substance, something that can easily become nothing, in other words, emptiness, vanitas.

John Kitchen, Saints’ Lives and Rhetoric of Gender, 1998

3D creation and compositing : Dominique H.Hoarau - DH3D Studio

Production : Fondazione d’Arte Erich Lindenberg - Museo Villa Pia